12 Businesses that are growing due to Coronavirus

12 Businesses that are growing due to Coronavirus

12 Businesses that are growing due to Coronavirus, Hello World! We hope you all are fine and safe.

While most businesses will be negatively affected by the coronavirus, there are few that will thrive because of it.

Business is bringing necessary relief to patients and hospitals are in high demand.

As well as products and services that serve a general public while in lockdown are seeing a major upswing.

Now while many people are losing work, there are some regions that are growing day by day.

As we have posted content on 15 industries failing because of the Coronavirus. If you have not seen that yet, then do check that out also.

You will surely learn more about what is going in this world during coronavirus pandemics.

Today we are focusing on those 12 Businesses which are booming due to coronavirus, let’s get started.

Businesses growing due to Coronavirus

1. Masks and Medical supplies

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

The global demand for items like disposable, gloves, ventilators, and face masks is unprecedented.

Public panic buying and stockpiling gloves, face masks, and medical alcohol cleaners has led to shortages.

Manufacturer and supply chains are working round the clock to keep up with demand, but they are still not able to.

So for the industry of medical supplies business is good, but the result of shortages could prove to be devastating if they aren’t able to quicken the pace.

2. Cleaning Services

Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary on Unsplash

Cleaning services have seen an unexpected upturn in sales as they battle to keep up with the demand for public places requiring sanitizing services.

Commercial buildings and medical facilities are the largest part of the market as they increase the frequency of their cleaning regimen.

They are also requesting harsher germ killing chemicals to be used to counteract the spread of the corona virus.

This is an area where staff recruitment is still strong and looks set to remain stable for some time as standards will remain high even after the wake of this virus.

3. Drones

Photo by Jared Brashier on Unsplash

Before this point, drone delivery seemed more like a novelty than a reality.

But since the corona epidemic took hold drones are being employed in many roles.

China used drones in a novel way to halt the spread of the disease and reduce putting cleaners at risk.

Drones were employed to sanitize public spaces by spraying disinfectants.

China, South Korea, and Spain have also used drones by the police members to lookout for the public leaving their homes during the enforced lockdown period.

4. Grocery Store Liquor

Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash

Who would have thought the world would turn to grocery stores for their next drink.

However even during partial shutdowns governments have closed public gathering spaces, such as bars and restaurants.

Many countries have closed all non-essential retailers and in some cases liquor stores fall into this category.

That leaves only one option to pursue the limited section in the alcohol aisle of your local supermarket if you have one.Suddenly dusting off a bottle of bargain bin Merlot seems a lot more appealing than before.

And retailers are struggling to keep up with demand.In South Africa when the lockdown was announced the usual canned goods and toilet paper went first.

Then the lineup swooned out the local liquor store shops as the public began stalking out before the 21 day compulsory stay at home period began.

5. Drive-in Movie Theaters

Photo By FabSubeject / CC BY-SA on Wikipedia

In countries lucky enough to not be in a complete lockdown, there is still a level of freedom to be out and about.

However there aren’t many people opting for cramped public spaces right now.

So instead of traditional movie theaters the old-time drive-in is seeing a comeback.

It’s much safer and it’s a great way to get the family out of the house. Keep your distance from others and still control the environment you come into contact with.

The positive experience of revisiting this classic pastime will surely reignite an interest in this business even after Corona.

6. Shopping Delivery Services

Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

Social distancing whether enforced by government or not has corralled the last few stragglers who hadn’t signed on for online shopping.

Ecommerce has been on a solid trajectory for some years now.

But the immediate need has caused a complete reliance on delivered groceries and essentials.

States like New York and California in the USA declared a complete shutdown first.

This caused an immediate spike in an already stretched delivery service prompting.

Companies like Amazon to open its doors to 100,000 new employees.

Businesses growing due to Covid19

7. Fitness Equipment Companies

Photo by Risen Wang on Unsplash

Gyms are closed in most of the world but that is leading the way for home fitness markets to have the type of resurgence they experienced when home shopping took off.

If we’re all going to be confined to our homes there’s no need to let ourselves go.

And recent sales trends are confirming we plan to stay in shape. The selling Fitness product in the US right now is yoga mats.

But many tech startups are firing up sales of their internet-connected fitness equipment so that users can still feel connected to a greater community.

Live and recorded instructions from experts that link to proprietary equipment turn your home into an interactive gym.

And while we scramble to stay on top of Fitness despite being homebound, sales in this sector are skyrocketing.

8. Toilet Paper, Soap Sales & Hand Sanitizer

Photo by Tai’s Captures on Unsplash

As the cases of corona virus are increasing, so is the demand for soap, hand sanitizers and toilet papers.

People are getting so mad behind these things that they are storing these products in their houses in large amount.

As a result, there is a shortage of these goods in hospitals, and other necessary places .

9. Video Conferencing and Document Handling

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Many companies have rapidly adopted to work from home as shutdowns are imminent or already implemented.

This opens up a huge demand for services to connect work teams to each other.

There’s also been a sudden uptake in signups for online conferencing workgroups and collaboration sites that help host business operations remotely.

Another requirement for working from home is remote document signing scanning and secure sending.

This is prompting software signups as staff are away from office printers that would ordinarily conduct this type of work.

10. Remote Doctor Services

Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash

As the virus tends to be spread mostly before a patient realizes they’re infected there is a call for strict social distancing.

Also immunocompromised people need to reduce any exposure to the public at all costs.

For these reasons and many more there’s a massive demand for remote doctor consultations.

Online services offering this are inundated with patients with new members signing up daily.

But the plus side is physicians can practice from home which keeps them safe from infections too.

11. Telecommunications

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash
The lockdown means we can’t share important moments, go for coffee with a friend to catch up or have a family gathering.

This means more than ever we’re relying on our phones to keep close to our family and friends.

Social distancing doesn’t necessarily mean isolation but it does mean a lot more remote contact like FaceTime and calls.

People are resurrecting their skype accounts to have group gatherings that way, even real phone calls are being made it’s a crazy time to be alive.

All of this means big business for internet and voice services providers. less time at the office means more time to watch YouTube, share memes and scroll Instagram the knock-on effect is the data usage increases.

In most countries data is charged per megabyte or per gigabyte so this means a major payday for data providers.

12. Streaming Video And a Live Video Hosting Sites

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Globally we already had an insatiable appetite for content.

Producers can barely keep up leading to revivals of retro content like the series Friends or Golden Girls, where you can binge-watch seasons for days.

The main players in video-on-demand like Amazon, YouTube , Hulu, or Netflix work on monthly subscriptions. During social distancing, subscriptions are on the rise.

Users are forced to platform hop from one provider to the other as they exhaust the extensive archives of content at an alarming rate.

Content producers should spend their time in isolation writing the next series as there’s no doubt that production will boom when lockdowns are lifted.


So these were the Positive Impact of Coronavirus on Businesses. We hope you liked this post. If there were any mistake or you have any suggestions regarding posts then feel free to mention in the comment section.

We will surely work upon that. If you want to know some more facts visit here 15 industries failing because of the Coronavirus.

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